IEEE Communication Theory Workshop
19–22 May 2024 // Banff, Canada


Unless otherwise specified all locations will be in  Fairmont Banff Springs, Alberta Conference Room

Conference Schedule


08:30 - 16:30   (Optional) Full-Day Tour: "Discover Banff and Lake Louise"

17:00 - 18:00   (Optional) Free Golf Lessons  (Canceled due to poor weather conditions)

18:30 - 20:00   Welcome reception (Mt Stephen Hall)




08:00 - 08:20   Coffee & Bakery    


08:20 - 08:30   Welcome remarks


08:30 - 09:20   Keynote – Ness Shroff (Ohio State University) 

                       Title: AI-EDGE: Designing Future XG Networks and Distributed Intelligence


09:20 - 09:45   Coffee break


09:45 - 12:00   Session 1: Communication Theory for Open RAN

                       Organizers: Kaushik Chowdhury and Michele Polese (Northeastern University)

                       Session chair: Michele Polese (Northeastern University)

                       Speaker 1: Petar Popovoski (Aalborg University)

                       Title: Modeling and Guaranteeing Latency in Open RAN

                       Speaker 2: Sofie Pollin (KU Leuven University)

                       Title: Cell-Free mMIMO in the Open RAN Architecture

                       Speaker 3: Srinivas Shakkottai (Texas A&M University)

                       Title: Structured Reinforcement Learning for Resource Allocation in O-RAN

                       Speaker 4: Dinesh Bharadia (University of California San Diego)

                       Title: EdgeRIC: Delivering Real-Time RAN Intelligence – Theory to Practice    

                       Panel discussion


12:00 - 12:30   Award Talks Session: Goldsmith Awardees

                       Baturalp Buyukates (University of Southern California)

                       Title: Foundations of Trustworthy Collaborative Machine Learning


12:30 - 14:00   Lunch (New Brunswick Room)


14:00 - 14:50   Keynote – Christoph Studer (ETH)

                       Title: Algorithms, Architectures, and Hardware Implementations for Beyond-5G MIMO Systems


14:50 - 15:15   Coffee break


15:15 - 17:15   Session 2: Hardware and 6G

                       Organizer and chair: Kaibin Huang (The University of Hong Kong)

                       Speaker 1: Erik G. Larsson (Linköping University)

                       Title: Rethinking Wireless Repeaters

                       Speaker 2: Kai Kit Wong (University College London)

                       Title: Early Implementation of Fluid Antenna System (FAS)   

                       Speaker 3: Sundeep Rangan (New York University)

                       Title: Communication and Circuit Co-Design

                        Speaker 4: Chan-Byoung Chae (Yonsei University)

                       Title: Seeing is Believing: Prototyping for 6G

                       Panel discussion

                       Additional panelists: 

                        - Reinaldo Valenzuela (Nokia Bell Labs)

                        - Matthew Valenti (West Virginia University)


17:15 - 18:15   Poster Session 1 (Riverview Lounge)




08:00 - 08:30   Coffee & Bakery    


08:30 - 09:20   Keynote – Moe Win (MIT)

                       Title: Quantum Nexus for Sensing, Communication, Control, and Computing


09:20 - 9:45   Coffee break


09:45 - 11:45   Session 3: Quantum Internet

                       Organizer and chair: Marco Chiani (University of Bologna)

                       Speaker 1: Lara Dolecek (University of California Los Angeles)

                       Title: QKD for Quantum Networks

                       Speaker 2: Andrea Conti (University of Ferrara)

                       Title: Quantum State Characterization, Design, and Discrimination

                       Speaker 3: Robert Malaney (University of New South Wales)

                       Title: Quantum Communications via Satellites

                       Speaker 4: Hyundong Shin (Kyung Hee University)

                       Title: Counterfactual Quantum Communication: Information Exchange in Quantum Shadows

                       Panel discussion

                       Additional panelists: 

                       - Jack Winters (Lockheed Martin RMS), 

                       - Petar Popovski (Aalborg University)


11:45 - 12:00   Break 


12:00 - 12:30   Award Talks Session: Early Achievement Awardees

                        Speaker 1: Giovanni Geraci (Telefonica Research and Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

                       Title: Model-Based and Data-Driven Cell Optimization for 3D Coverage and Capacity

                       Speaker 2: Hien Quoc Ngo (Queen's University Belfast) 

                       Title: Virtually Full-Duplex Cell-Free Massive MIMO


12:30 - 14:00   Lunch (New Brunswick Room)


14:00 - 14:50   Keynote – Aaron Wagner (Cornell University)

                       Title: Wasserstein Distortion: Unifying Fidelity and Realism


14:50 - 15:15   Coffee Break


15:15 - 17:15   Session 4: New Approaches to Data Compression and Communications

                       Organizer and chair: Ayfer Ozgur (Stanford University)

                       Speaker 1: Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti (University of Pennsylvania)

                       Title: Neural Compression With Lattice Transform Coding

                       Speaker 2: Tsachy Weissman (Stanford University)

                       Title: Textual Transform Coding

                       Speaker 3: Jun Chen (McMaster University)

                       Title: Universal Rate-Distortion-Perception Coding in the Quadratic Wasserstein Space

                       Speaker 4: Natasha Devroye (University of Illinois Chicago)

                       Title: Interpreting Deep-Learned Error-Correcting Codes

                       Speaker 5: Krishna Narayanan (Texas A&M University)

                       Title: In-context Estimation for Wireless Communications Using Transformers

                        Panel discussion


17:15 - 18:15   Poster Session 2 (Riverview Lounge)


18:30 - 19:00   Champagne Reception


19:00 - 21:00   Banquet (Tickets required) (New Brunswick Room)




08:00 - 08:30   Coffee & Bakery    


08:30 - 09:20   Keynote 5: Wen Tong (Huawei Technologies Canada)

                       Title: Truly Distributed Network AI - A Non-Federated Learning Approach

09:20 - 09:45   Coffee break


09:45 - 12:00   Session 5: 6G Challenges and Opportunities

                       Organizer: Jinfeng Du (Nokia Bell Labs)

                       Speaker 1: Eric Hardouin (Orange) 

                       Title: An Operator's Perspective on 6G 

                       Speaker 2: Angel Lozano (University Pompeu Fabra)

                       Title: An Academic's Perspective on 6G Research

                       Speaker 3: Rainer Iraschko (TELUS)

                       Title: Journey Towards O-RAN

                       Speaker 4: Ozge Koymen (Qualcomm) 

                       Title: 6G Design Challenges

                       Panel discussion

                       Additional panelists: 

                       Azimeh Sefidcon (Nokia Bell Labs)

                       Hui-Wen Yao (AST SpaceMobile) 

12:00 - 12:10  Closing remarks





